GaGA! Growing and Getting Awesome… the Official Loving the Pregnant You Blog

Be A Resource

Pregnant woman in kitchen with friend reading pamphletBe a resource. Sometimes we hesitate. Sometimes we question, “Who am I to say?” or “What do I really know?” I’m encouraging us all to set those doubts aside.

You have valuable contributions. You really do. That’s why the idea of offering something came to mind.

As long as you’re willing to have the other person say, “No thank you,” then you’ve got nothing to lose. (And, many of us unfortunately get into the bad habit of assuming we gotta take care of it all ourselves. So, don’t take those “No thank you”s personally.)

Be a resource. Offer up what you do well and what you love to do. It’ll feel great to be able to help.

How are you a resource to those around you?

And…take advantage of the resources around you. Check out our recommended Pregnancy and Parenting Resources.

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