GaGA! Growing and Getting Awesome… the Official Loving the Pregnant You Blog

What do you love about the pregnant you?

happy pregnant womanI recently asked a group of expectant moms, “What do you love about the pregnant you?”

It was Saturday during a “Get It Together and… Love Yourself!” workshop I co-presented with Eirene Heidelberger of GIT Mom at CocoonCare, and I loved the responses I got.

The women acknowledged who they were being. They dug deep, and they patted themselves on the back. The responses ranged from “making healthy choices with my food intake” to “developing closer bonds with my relatives and other moms.” They were proud of their mindsets and how they were being with their circumstances and with the others in their lives.

I loved that they were acknowledging not only what they were DOING that was working for them, yet they also were recognizing ways they were BEING and THINKING that were working for them.

It’s powerful to celebrate the powerful ways we’re BEING and THINKING. Because the personally effective ways we’re being and thinking, can lead to LOTS of personally effective actions. Start with acknowledging how you’re being and you’ll love what you continue to DO as you’re being that version of yourself.

And, what we love about the pregnant versions of ourselves, can point to what we’d like to love about ourselves as parents on an ongoing basis.

So, I ask you to consider: What do you love about the pregnant you? [This question is valid whether you’re currently pregnant or are considering a past pregnancy!]

I’ll start by answering my own question: I loved that I intentionally nourished myself during pregnancy. I created time for me, I got regular massages, and I asked for help.

These proved to be very useful behaviors for me to have practiced during pregnancy, so that I had some momentum with them as I’ve stepped into later phases of parenting.

So again, I ask you: What do you love about the pregnant you?

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