Category Archives: Making choices that work for YOU

Do you want to go with the default?

We're moving into the holiday season. It's a time of year when many of us feel we have to follow a prescribed program of holiday preparations, traditions, and end-of-year rushes and projects. It's easy to go on "autopilot" and not even consider whether we have to or want to do the things that are showing up…

Pick what’s important to you

All too often we fall into the pitfall of trying to be superwoman, of trying to do it all, and of comparing ourselves to others who seem to do more or who seem to do better. How do we avoid this? One way is to understand what’s most important to you. What are your values? Is…

When you trust, yet others don’t

Jennifer was 44 years old when, in her words, she “finally had the husband and circumstances in which she wanted to have a child.” She immediately saw her doctor, whom she’d been seeing for years and trusted completely. She did what her doctor told her to do throughout the process of both getting pregnant and…

What is pregnancy coaching? and how you can get some…

Pregnancy coaching follows the same basic model as life coaching, in which a coach works with clients to help them clarify and achieve their personal desires. In pregnancy coaching, we place a particular focus on the questions, concerns, and desires that are coming up because you are pregnant and a new mom to your unborn…

Once you’re clear…

I’ve been talking with clients and business partners recently about what happens once we’re clear, once we’ve done our “due diligence” and we clearly know what we want. Since my business partner has gotten clear that she and her husband have a story to tell and important messages to share, she has been taking consistent…

What to do to enjoy your pregnancy, to deal with your concerns, to find the best resources

Amy Riley on the Experience Pros radio show! Listen to Amy Riley, Pregnancy Coach, on Experience Pros Radio with Angel Tuccy and Eric Reamer by clicking here. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet

Tips on Being Pregnant

Billions of women have given birth to billions of babies. That could lead one to think that pregnancy is a fully understood and predictable journey to experience. I don’t think that’s the case. Pregnancy is commonplace, yes. Yet, it is also highly personal and unique for each woman and for each pregnancy. You, as a…

Not enjoying pregnancy? How to effectively face your concerns

If you’re not enjoying your pregnancy – or even if you mostly are – what is the best way to deal effectively with your concerns? A few are likely to come up. I don’t know a woman who has had a completely concern-free pregnancy. First, take a good, close look at your concern. Not because you want to…

Why is it important to be extra reflective during pregnancy?

I encourage pregnant women to tune into their thoughts and feelings and use these as a guide to determine what choices and approaches best resonate with them. It’s a success formula for finding your way to best enjoy your pregnancy. This is, of course, an approach that you can use at any time during your life….

How to enjoy your pregnancy

To enjoy your pregnancy you’ve got to trust yourself. You make your choices as best you can at any given moment with the data you have. And, note that there are different kinds of data. One kind of “data” is the information you can get from books, magazines, and websites; it’s what you know is possible from what you’ve…