GaGA! Growing and Getting Awesome… the Official Loving the Pregnant You Blog

You agree that your pregnancy choices are YOURS to make…or do you??

You may agree with the idea that you, and only you, need to be fully comfortable with and understand the choices that you make regarding your pregnancy. And sometimes you may agree…only in theory.

In reality, you might be dealing with people who question decisions you’ve made, who tell you about why another course of action would be better, or who seemingly launch campaigns to persuade you to do what they feel would be best.

You may struggle to stay true to you. That’s understandable when you can “see” the other person’s point of view or when it’s your significant other or your dear friend who opposes your decision. It’s difficult to determine if and how you want the perspectives of others to influence you. There may be valuable information there, OR their perspectives may be a huge distraction from what you know uniquely resonates for you.

You want to do what makes best sense for you, and perhaps others’ concerns or fears will alter what resonates well for you. And, maybe they won’t. Either way, you want to make sure that your choice feels like your choice.

A perspective to remember is that it really is okay for others to be upset, confused, or annoyed about your choices. It sometimes doesn’t feel like it, yet it is okay. You don’t want to be completely insensitive or belligerent, certainly. Yet, you are not supposed to make your life decisions to please others. You are the one who will live most directly with the impact and consequences of the choices you make concerning your pregnancy and delivery. Others will have the emotional reactions that they have. The person whose feelings you want to be most tuned into is… YOU.

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