GaGA! Growing and Getting Awesome… the Official Loving the Pregnant You Blog

Let’s Talk Boobies

Let’s talk boobies. So – from my perspective – I figured a lot of women really enjoyed the bigger boobies during pregnancy. Because, well, that was my experience. Normally a B cup, when I started overflowing a C cup during pregnancy, it was pretty fun. I thought, “Hey look what’s happening here!” And I could actually wear some of those low cut, cinch in under the boobs, shirts and have something of interest to show!

During those times when I had bigger boobs, but not yet the too much bigger belly, I loved it. I feel sheepish and superficial to say it, yet it’s there. So, I might as well practice what I preach and embrace it!

Now, I quickly realized that this is not the same booby journey that many other women have. Many – who are well endowed to begin with – deal with insecurities and discomfort about being very large during pregnancy.

Dori is a person who is regularly well endowed and as she’d describe, not particularly perky. Nipples have been pointing down for a while. She has “gently tolerated” them in the past – prior to her pregnancies.

Today after 2 pregnancies and years of breast feeding, Dori says they are “more objectively absurd than ever.” And she loves them. Why? Because they showed their worth. She has a reason to celebrate them. They nourished and nurtured her children. They had – in Dori’s eyes – a critically important function. Before that, it seemed like they were supposed to be entertaining. Now, she has respect for them. Through the process of pregnancy and breast feeding, Dori got a part of her body back.

Today, when Dori is trying on clothes, putting on a bra, she no longer dislikes her breasts. She explains, “…where I would have before, now I just feel like laughing and hugging them. Like a funny-looking best friend.”

So I can see for myself that I could augment my relationship with my current-day boobs by focusing on what they’ve accomplished – instead of describing them as “deflated” versions of what they once were.

Please join the conversation: How did your relationship with your boobies shift during pregnancy? What perspective do you currently have or would you like to have about your breasts?

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One Response to Let’s Talk Boobies
  1. Dori Conn
    December 2, 2009 | 9:32 pm

    Upon reading about myself, I realize that before breastfeeding, I resented that my breasts were expected to do something for other people (including strangers, which still irritates me,) and that what was expected (being cute and round, I guess,) they happened not to be able to do well.

    Breastfeeding helped me understand that the earlier job description was out of line (for me, anyway.) I knew what their job was and for whom, and they were perfect for it.

    Thanks for opening this line.

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