GaGA! Growing and Getting Awesome… the Official Loving the Pregnant You Blog

How to Raise a Happy Child recently released an article about How to Raise a Happy Child. This article is centered on 2 to 4 year olds. My favorite “how tos” shared in the article include: let them struggle with problems, check in with your child, and be a role model. I think these not only relate to raising 2 to 4 year olds, but also to the healthy development of babies in the womb. Here’s how I think they relate…

Let them struggle with problems. When we have a baby in the womb, I believe that our mood and how we’re thinking and feeling affects our unborn child. Now, I do not think that this means we’ve got to try to be blissfully happy every moment of every single pregnant day!! No, instead, I think it has to do with being authentic with ourselves and our babies. Telling our babies, Okay, this is making me uncomfortable for these reasons. Or here’s how I messed up that one today baby. And, here’s what I’m thinking about it and here’s what I’m going to do about it. Authentically processing our experiences and feelings for ourselves teaches our baby. It’s not about being problem-free. It’s about dealing with our problems in a way that works for us.

Check in with your child. I believe we can check-in with our unborn children. Now, did I ever hear my unborn baby speak to me in my own head? Not even close! (Yet some women have these kinds of experiences). Instead, I felt my intuition was turned up, if you will, during pregnancy. Our bodies, or our babies, or our intuition will suddenly tell us it’s time for a nap or it’s time to eat pickles. It may have us being curious about new things or experiences. If we feel drawn to attending a concert or reading a certain book, I say trust that magnetic pull. Our babies are speaking to us.

Be a role model. We want our babies to grow up to be individuals who lead balanced lives and take good care of themselves, yes? I know I do. And, they start noticing what we’re up to when they’re in the womb. I think it’s incredibly important for pregnant women to nourish themselves and find a balance for themselves that works. The balance that works might look very differently during pregnancy than it does in other times of our lives. I know it’s often easier said than done, but I’d love for women to be able to allow for that – to slow down with something to allow for more of something else. In this results-driven society, it can feel frivolous. I say, So what? Remember what you’d want for your child and be the role model.

Please join the conversation: What are your thoughts? What are your best pieces of advice for pregnant women?

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One Response to How to Raise a Happy Child
  1. Debi
    July 22, 2009 | 1:02 am

    I love this blog. As I read it, and I am not exactly sure how this relates, but I kept thinking about how when I was pregnant w/ Ben I felt so indecisive the whole time, I felt befuddled, like I couldn’t make the easiest of decisions. Now, at 4, he seems to be the one who consistantly changes his mind. Ellie on the other hand, is decisive. I utlize her decisiveness when I am shopping and just can’t decide. She’ll say, “Let’s take that one. And let’s GO.” Hey this might turn into my own blog…

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