GaGA! Growing and Getting Awesome… the Official Loving the Pregnant You Blog

Pregnancy coaching is it right for you?

pregnancy coachWhen you’re pregnant, you take on a wide range of new responsibilities and emotions. A Pregnancy Coach can partner with you to help you navigate any number of situations. Those who benefit from coaching include:

Women who have specific concerns about pregnancy.

Pregnancy concerns run the gamut –  from gaining too much weight, to not wanting to turn into a hormonal crazy lady to fearing that you’re not nurturing enough for motherhood to being concerned about losing your identify, or anything in between.

Through pregnancy coaching, you can address these concerns in a straightforward, healthy, and empowering way and create options to handle or minimize the concerns.

Women who are finding it difficult to live up to the expectations put on pregnant women (by the media, friends and family, the medical community, yourself) to do everything *absolutely right* for nine months.

Feeling pressure to “do” pregnancy well is normal and understandable. With the help of a Pregnancy Coach, you can discover what choices and options align best with your values and are authentic to you, and learn to set aside the “shoulds.” You can uncover YOUR way of doing pregnancy.

Women who recognize that you start determining the kind of parent you want to be during pregnancy and who want to intentionally create their own parenting model.

There are many different ways to “parent.” Pregnancy is a valuable time when parenting-type choices and related emotions come up, giving you an opportunity to process these and start parenting in your own unique way. Pregnancy coaching can also be parenting coaching before you need to deal with the logistics of caring for a newborn or a second child, etc.

Women who want to enjoy pregnancy to the best of their abilities.

Pregnancy is an important and creative time. Pregnancy coaching can help you stay present to what you’re doing well and support you to appreciate and make the most of the experience.

Those who doubt that some aspects of pregnancy could be enjoyable… or even tolerable.

Pregnancy coaching can help you recognize your negative or disempowering perspectives and help you create paths to more empowering ones.  In pregnancy, like in life, your perspectives impact your actions, which impact your results. Pregnancy coaching can help you learn to move out of negativity and onto better outcomes.

Women who are struggling with the idea of balancing it all: your needs, your baby’s needs, and the needs of those around you.

When you become pregnant, you are adding in a whole other layer of responsibility – a significant layer of responsibility – to your life! A new person is wholly depending on you. Talking through the complexities with a skilled pregnancy coach can help you integrate the new and existing areas of your life and identify solutions and approaches that are going to work well for you and your family.

Is a Pregnancy Coach right for you?

For more information about Loving the Pregnant You Pregnancy coaching options, click here.

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