shares stories from a variety of women with different circumstances, and their approaches to pregnancy, to help readers find inspiration and ideas that will uniquely work for them.
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- ROBBYE D. MCNAIR, MD, Obstetrics
Gynecology, Northwestern Memorial Hospital
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“I ALWAYS walk away with thought (or action) provoking insight…”
- Anne R., Mommy to Be
A 6-week program to unlock the confident and empowered pregnant you!
When you’re expecting, new questions and concerns flood your mind and heart every day. It can be overwhelming! The amount and variety of advice “out there” is daunting.
How are you going to it weed through it all and discover how you want to approach the different aspects of pregnancy?
With 6 Keys to Loving the Pregnant You, you will discover the pregnant person you most want to be!
Along with being an Author and
Pregnancy Coach, Amy L. Riley
is also a Certified Facilitator.
Invite Amy to speak at your Mom’s Group, parent-focused event, or company.
Amy will work with your organization to customize her presentation so it is highly relevant and engaging, enabling the attendees to walk away with tangible, actionable ideas.
Copyright © 2025 Loving the Pregnant You : Pregnancy Coaching
Not sure I can really explain why this happened, but when I read the book “The Mommy Myth” by Susan Douglas and Meredith Michaels (parts of which can be a little hard to swallow but I encourage every woman to press on!) something in my brain just dramatically switched! And I was almost instantly better able to reserve criticism of myself and other mothers. (I recommend Amy’s book too for this; I just happened to read The Mommy Myth first).
By reading The Mommy Myth I was able to let go of a lot of judgments about motherhood that I had been holding onto for a very long time – even way before I ever became a mother!! I think it was the idea that parenting is hard no matter who you are or how well equipped you think you are going into it. It helped to learn about all of the societal forces that try to create a one-size-fits-all approach to mothering. These forces can cause us to feel smothered by so many shoulds that we can never possibly be happy if we are constantly letting the shoulds affect us. The book helped me identify many of the motherhood shoulds I had been carrying around all of my life & helped me look at them in a new light. It gave me the permission I needed to question my shoulds & in doing so I was better able to understand, appreciate and respect the choices of other mothers as well.
Also, watching myself “break” so many of the “rules” of parenting that I had set up for myself before actually becoming a parent – by embracing the brutal truth that parenthood makes me a hypocrite & there is nothing I can do about it – I’m often eager to eat my pre-parenting words & apologize for my past criticisms and judgements and to be more compassionate about the current differences I see.
Ah, thanks for the recommendation and for sharing from your experiences. You share your parenting insights so vulnerably and powerfully! Appreciate that.