Author Archives: loving

How to release the pressure and create the best possible experience

Pregnancy is an incredibly important time of a woman’s life. It’s easy to feel like you’ve got to be “perfect” and do everything “exactly right” during those nine months. As an expectant mom, you can feel significant pressure from others, from the resources you consult, and even from yourself. How do you release that pressure and…

What’s the “strength” you’re bringing to labor and delivery?

Many pregnant women worry about how labor and delivery will be and how THEY will be during that labor and delivery. It can seem like an intense situation where it’ll be easy for you to be thrown off of “your game.” I ask women: What strengths might you be able to leverage during your pregnancy?…

Get It Together and… Love Yourself!

Get It Together and… Love Yourself! A Powerful Combination Saturday, September 7, 2013 from 9:30am to 11:00am Join Eirene Heidelberger of GIT Mom and Amy Riley of Loving the Pregnant You for a real conversation on how to love the pregnant you and how to be totally prepared – mentally, emotionally, logistically – for your new…

Let yourself feel what you feel

Often in pregnancy we experience heightened emotions. It’s normal. It’s natural. However, when it’s happening, we often don’t feel like it’s normal and natural. It can feel wrong, overwhelming, vulnerable. In her first pregnancy, Melinda experienced a physical characteristic that felt so vulnerable to her: her belly button pop out. It was just so out…

An Interview: The Importance of Nourishment

Nichi Hirsh Kuechle of My Healthy Beginning interviews me (Amy Riley of Loving the Pregnant You) about the importance of nourishing yourself during pregnancy. The video is under 9 minutes and you’ll hear why you want to nourish yourself; ideas about how to best care for yourself; and the tangible, observable benefits of creating good nourishing…

How to be a Mama, a Business Owner and Stay Motivated

by Guest Blogger, Nichi Hirsh Kuechle of My Healthy Beginning A friend and colleague called me this week sounding a bit like she was between a rock and, well, another rock. She was asking me about motivation, specifically how I stay motivated and pull off being a mom and a wife – basically she wanted to know how…

Now (and always) is the time… for self care

Taking great care of yourself and asking for support are really nice capacities to develop while you’re pregnant. After your child is born and as he’s growing, you’ll be called upon to tend for him in new and ever-changing ways. If we all could learn in pregnancy to treat ourselves really well, then we’d help…

Audaciously nourish yourself

Pregnancy is a great excuse to finally take good care of yourself! For some of us, and in this day and age where we women wear many hats, this is long overdue. Pregnancy is an excellent opportunity to consider not only the traditional ways to nourish yourself – get rest, be active, eat well –…

Be A Resource

Be a resource. Sometimes we hesitate. Sometimes we question, “Who am I to say?” or “What do I really know?” I’m encouraging us all to set those doubts aside. You have valuable contributions. You really do. That’s why the idea of offering something came to mind. As long as you’re willing to have the other…

“More Than a Quick Fix” at Health Foundations in St. Paul, MN

My Healthy Beginning and Loving the Pregnant You present….  More Than A Quick Fix! Tuesday, July 23 from 5pm to 8:45pm. At Health Foundations Family Health and Birth Center, 968 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN What exactly is this event? An evening of nourishment brought to you by Nichi Hirsch of My Healthy Beginning and…