GaGA! Growing and Getting Awesome… the Official Loving the Pregnant You Blog

THINGS PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW: #3. Don’t tell me how to feel!

As you’re pregnant and you’re dealing with a whole new view of your world and are, at times, struggling to keep up with your ever-changing thoughts and emotions; what you don’t need is for others to tell you how you should feel!

Pregnant women have been told…

  • “Don’t worry about it. Women have been doing this forever.”
  • “You should just feel blessed.”
  • “Remember how happy you’ll be when you’re holding your newborn baby.”
  • “You’re over-reacting. Everything will be fine.”

There are times when one of these statements is the last thing you want or need to hear.

You may even know that what the other person is saying is true, yet, in this moment, you’re feeling what you’re feeling and may not at all want to be told that you should be feeling differently.

I think you should give yourself at least two free passes during your pregnancy to shout out “Don’t tell me how to feel!” and then try to not feel bad about the shouting… 🙂

Please join the conversation: When did someone else tell you how to feel? How did that make you feel?! And, how did you respond?

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