It can be easy to complain about our kids or to talk about how much we need a break from our parenting responsibilities. Real easy.
I could probably rattle off my top 5 kid complaints pretty quickly. (I'm not going to do that right now, however, because I'm writing a blog entitled, "Why We Love Being Moms"… :-))
Can we just as readily list the reasons why we love being moms? Well, let's see!
Here are the first 5 reasons that come to my mind:
- The sprint to the door and associated scream of "Mommy's home!" when I walk in the house.
- Full body hugs from 4-year-old Jake.
- "I love you Mommy."
- The smirk on 6-year-old McKenzie's face when she decides she's got it all figured out.
- Walking down the sidewalk with a small hand in each of mine.
And, I could keep going! It took me a bit to get going. Yet, once I did, many moments of joy sprung into my mind. And many from just this past week!
Being a mom is a special responsibility and an unequaled blessing.
Why do you love being a mom?