You may have noticed… I have changed the name of the pregnancy coaching business, the blog, the website, and the forthcoming book from its previous name of Expect the Best while You’re Expecting to a new name of Loving the Pregnant You.
Why the name change?
It started with what I call the “legal letter” from the What to Expect when You’re Expecting folks asserting that my previous name was confusingly similar to their name. After an initial freak out… then a flip to feeling some excitement that the business had made enough of a splash to garner this attention… I, well, finally saw their point. The previous name was causing confusion. So the search for a new name began!
There was an opportunity to find a name that clearly and concisely communicated the main purpose or main mission of the business and the book. So, I – along with others who graciously brainstormed with me – answered some key questions: What is the core messaging of the book? What is the primary outcome that pregnancy coaching clients have, that we want future clients to have? What is the overall business looking to accomplish? What is this all about?
It’s about each and every pregnant woman enjoying her pregnancy to the best of her ability, each expectant mom making the choices that uniquely work for her without being influenced by anything with which she doesn’t want to be influenced. It’s about women everywhere feeling great about how they’re thinking about and approaching their pregnancies. It’s about getting ideas and inspiration from women who’ve gone before you – not so you can do exactly what they did – but so you can reflect and discover what resonates for you. It’s about you connecting with what’s most important to you, and being gracious with yourself and understanding that you’re not going to do everything perfectly. It’s you taking the pressure off yourself, it’s you making the choices that feel best to you, it’s you getting in touch with your thoughts and feelings and discovering how you want to think and act as a pregnant woman.
It’s about you loving the pregnant you.
Amy – you “flipped the frustration”, realized the value of the recognition you were getting, and while expanding in the process, turned it around to your advantage – that certainly makes for the best experience ever! Shanti is pregnant again, due in September. What a delightful family – I’m a very happy Grandma! I’ve “rebirthed” myself since seeing you last -now a full time artist ( and “santosha” yoga teacher focusing on creating “contentment” in the moment and the movement for boomers and seniors. Life is good!
Many blessings on your venture. Please keep me in the loop. BTW, what’s the status of your book?
Joan, that’s exactly right! Ah…the power of our own minds…to see possibilities or to be destructive. Congratulations and congratulations to Shanti. That’s great. She’s amazing – I so loved interviewing you both for the book!
You’re so creative. I love that you’re a full time artist!
Thanks for asking about the book. I want to hand it over to my editor by mid-November. (And, I think that’s still possible!). So, publishing next year. Thanks Joan! Amy